Therefore, the amount of money collected must depend on the financial capacity of residents. However, it should be remembered that different districts of our agglomeration live in different social classes. To fill the entire area with buildings and roads, we must take care, among others for efficient operation of the city administration system and a steady supply of cash obtained from taxes. In the game, we build metropolises on maps of 36 square km, although it is possible to unofficially increase this size. The production also offers full support for moders. Therefore, the main purpose of the game is to build your dream city, but that’s not all, of course, because during the game we also have to take care of the well-being of the inhabitants, take care of finances allowing further investments and more. This time, the developers decided not to limit themselves to urban transport and challenged SimCity projects. Cities: Skylines is a strategic and economic game produced by the Colossal Order team that previously created two games – Cities in Motion: Simulator of Urban Transport (Cities in Motion) and Simulator of the Modern Metropolis: Transport and Public Transport (Cities in Motion 2: The Modern Days ).